"Owning our story and loving ourselves through
the process is the bravest thing we will ever do."
~ Brené Brown

Looking to live a Wholehearted Life?
Learn how through the The Gifts of Imperfection™ program. We will get into the freeing work of letting go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you ARE. Each month we will examine one of the 10 Guideposts to Wholehearted Living (as outlined by Brené Brown) and take the time during the month to dig deep and put those tools into practice.
We will learn how to let go of things like...what people think, anxiety, perfectionism, self-doubt, numbing and comparison. And learn how to cultivate... authenticity, self-compassion, creativity, a resilient spirit, joy, gratitude, even rest and play!
We will meet once a month for the rest of the year 2020.
On Thursday. Morning and evening times available. 8:30 - 10:30 AM or 6:00 - 8:00 PM
A minimum number of participants required to confirm the group.
Feb 27, Mar 26, April 30, May 28, June 25, July 23, Aug 27, Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17
$50 per session. Participants commit to all 11 sessions.
Fee is nonrefundable and paid in full regardless of complete attendance.
Downtown Workshop
204 Polk Street
Lafayette, LA
What does the cost cover?
Participants of the group will receive:
- Thoughtful placement into a group of individuals who will help support each other’s growth
- The support of a licensed clinician that has been intensively trained and certified in facilitating The Daring Greatly™ materials
- The Gifts of Imperfection™ Workbook (offered only through Daring Greatly™ workshops) full of handouts and exercises
- Folder, journal, and craft supplies to make group a successful experience
- Beneficial life tools, practical and applicable for any life stage or situation
- A value that is a quarter of the cost of individual counseling
- Yummy snacks
- A life changing experience