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Strategies and support to live
wholeheartedly, with freedom and joy!
Life can be messy. So messy, it could suck alot of joy out of your life. We're not given a how-to manual, and it's difficult to examine and identify what you need.
Then the needs go and change on you!
I believe there are a few essential tools to help you get and stay connected.
To yourself. To others. And to your life.
These workshops provide those tools through
I will provide you the tools; tools that are used in every day life, and every day messes.
I believe the transformation will come from within you.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Clini-Coach™ and a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator. I want to share what I have learned in my professional and personal experience, about emotional wellness skills and development.
Below are the topics we will cover this year.
Dedicated to empowerment for your journey, reconstruction, and transformation.
January: Goals & Envisioning
February: Boundaries
March: Communication
April: Connections
May: Shame & Guilt
June: Grief & Forgiveness
July: Self Esteem
August: Living From Values
September: Stress & Overwhelm
October: Midfulness
November: Gratitude & Joy
December: Finding Purpose & Meaning
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